Thursday, 13 June 2019

Growing rapes in India..

                                                                Image result for rape      
What can be the reasons for the growth of Rapes in India?
Well to understand this first we all need to know something about rapes.
If we have to define rape then it's hindi word is close to its real meaning.
In Hindi rape is called as 'Balatkar'.

'Bal' means 'force without consent' and 'atkar' means 'imposition'.
That means rape is the use of force against another person's desires.
So what it includes. Let us discuss its scope.
Our understanding of rape is very narrow. If we want to make our society rape free then we have to look and understand rape in a broader context. Only then we can cure this illness of the mind of our society.

So if we take the narrow meaning of rape then it means the use of force by a man over women.
Well then to cure it we apply narrow remedies like the imposition of stringent laws and punishments, demonstrations and protests. We update the status on facebook, twitter, etc and condemn strongly and demand harsh punishment for perpetrators of crime like as we all did in the case of Asifa. Celebrities came with messages written on a placard on social media.

Well, it's happening not only in India but all over the world. So we think we have done our job nothing more needs to be done now rest is the task of police and law enforcement agencies. So we go to our homes and sleep.
Now come to the broader context of rape. As I explained above the Hindi meaning of rape is balatkar i.e. use of force.

What do we mean by the use of force? How it takes and controls our mind and how rape is spreading like a wildfire in every aspect of life and rape of a girl is just one of the several aspects of rape. Let us understand it with a scenario of Middle Eastern countries. In Middle Eastern countries or you can say Arabic countries there exist harsh punishments for rape. They hang and stoned the person to death in a full public display. They think by doing this they are creating a deterrence and fear in the minds of people.

Now understand the impact of all this on the mind of a child standing there watching all this happening. By watching all this violence his mind starts thinking in a very negative way. For him now killing someone for heinous crimes is very common. The first seeds of violence and hate have been sowed in his mind. As he grows up his mind is going to fill with hate and disgust. Is it not rape of a child's innocence?

Now come to our politicians. What they are doing? They all are using force to suppress and exploit people. Are politicians not rapists? What they are doing is the same as what the rapist does i.e. use of force over weak. The rapist is using force against weak women. In a similar way, politicians are using their force against weak people to exploit them. So politicians are also a rapist.
We all are rapists in the same or another way.
What a teacher does with his students?

Teachers use to beat students with sticks and roads just because students were talking or they have not completed their homework. So the teacher uses force which is comparatively much harsher than the mistakes. So here the teacher is also the rapist.
How it impacts the mind of students. Well, the student's mind gets filled with fear and vengeance and when he becomes stronger he takes revenge for all this frustration by beating his sons or daughters. And the chain continues.

Similarly when the politicians exploit public then if someone among the public turns into a politician he pacifies his frustration by exploiting others now it's his turn. So u can understand why people, when reached powerful positions, become so chaotic and despotic. It is because of those chain of events which has poisoned their mind.

Look at Hitler, Kim Jong yum of North Korea or any other politicians in our country or locality. Some may be good but are a handful. Majority of all are mentally ill and they all have been a victim of rape and exploitation at some point of time in their life.

We all are victims of rapes and exploitation. Now you can understand that Rape not only means sexual abuse of men of women but also other forms of use of force.
Now when any man or woman use force in any form against any weaklings in society then they all come in the category of the rapist.

What we do with our servants. With our juniors. What employer is doing with his employees no matter who he is man or woman, he/she is still a rapist.
So what needs to be done to curb the menace of rape from our society. Do you think only by imposing harsh and stringent punishment can solve the problem of rape from society? Do you still think rape is a specific problem related to a particular gender or it includes a wider and even it is the base of all forms of crime in our society?
What the terrorists are doing. They all are a rapist. What big multinational companies are?
So don't we need to become responsible and sensitive towards others, towards our parents and the people around us? Don't you think this slap culture and eye for an eye mindset is responsible for all this shit?

Don't we think as a responsible member of society we all should get more aware of our thoughts and emotions so that we can cure first our mental illness and then to contribute to curbing this chain of violence and exploitation from our world?
Maybe one day this earth will be filled with the mind of mindful people who are not only sensitive towards their thoughts and emotions but also about others. May one day mindfulness and alertness will be the only religion of peace on earth.

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